2024-2025 Season Sponsors
We gotta show some love for our amazing sponsors, who have invested in us, and in the sport of Rugby.
We still have room for more Sponsors so please contact us to secure your Sponsorship.
2021-2022 Season Sponsorship Opportunities
Partner with Baracus by making your sponsorship donation to Bay Area Youth Rugby. Your donation is 100% tax deductible and will provide you the opportunity to have your brand associated with one of the fastest growing Team Sport in the world!
We have several sponsorship packages available, that provide us with valuable resources necessary to sustain our club and the sport we love.
Please consider becoming a Sponsor and Contact us at BaracusRugbyClub@gmail.com or Matt Keck at 650-222-7933.

Help us obtain
an equipment trailer
What you get:
Your logo on the Equipment Trailer, driven to all home matches and trainings
Your logo on a Field Banner, displayed at all home matches
Your logo on our Website and Social Media Pages
Your Logo at our Gym
Invitation to and recognition at our End-of-Season Banquet

Help us obtain
a field canopy
What you get:
Your logo on the Field Canopy, used at all matches.
Your logo on a Field Banner, displayed at all home matches
Your logo on our Website and Social Media Pages
Your Logo at our Gym
Invitation to and recognition at our End-of-Season Banquet

Help us obtain
Tackle bags
What you get:
Your logo on the tackle bags, used at all matches and trainings.
Your logo on a Field Banner, displayed at all home matches
Your logo on our Website and Social Media Pages
Your Logo at our Gym
Invitation to and recognition at our End-of-Season Banquet
Sponsor a Player for the 2021-2022 Season
It costs each player approximately $1,000 to play a season of Rugby. By Sponsoring a Player you will receive your organization logo on our website, field banner, and you will receive regular updates on your player's performance and progress throughout the season. Young players who could otherwise not afford to play are recipients of these sponsorships. You may combine with others to sponsor a player and make it possible for them to play the sport they love.